Online Training

Solved hr was founded by Simon Merriman to assist businesses and charities with affordable yet practical solutions to their HR and Training support. With over 20 years’ experience in Senior HR and training roles within corporate, SME and multi-site organisations, Simon is well place to provide these solutions that really do add value to the bottom line of any organisation. This can be provided as an outsourced solution or alongside your own in house team. In particular solved hr recognises that continuous training and development of a company’s team adds immeasurable value to the business. Develop the team and the business develops and grows!

Online TrainingOnline Training

With this in mind solved hr is able to offer various online training courses that offer the flexibility of being able to be completed at your convenience. Online training is an immediate, cost effective and easily affordable training solution for modern businesses. The online training modules provides evidence of successfully completed training courses to the required pass levels, which can be accessed at any time. Training online is a much more relaxed approach which many people find easier to fit in to their schedule.

Online Training from solved hr is ideal for all personnel from those in small businesses, right up to large corporations. As there are no premises considerations, there are no minimum or maximum participants, and those completing the training can do so at their own pace and in an environment of their choosing. Of course if you require in-house training, solved hr can deliver! Visit our Training page.

Please see below for the broad range of online courses available. For each training course, there is a free trial, enabling you to ensure the course chosen is the right one for you.  If you have any queries regarding online training from solved hr, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 07714 790024 or email and we will happy to assist.


Recommended System Requirements for all Online Training Course

  • Operating System: Windows XP/7/8, Mac OSX (10.6)
  • Browser: Chrome 20+, Firefox 28+, Internet Explorer 9, Safari for Mac 5+
  • Video: Up to date video drivers
  • Memory: 1Gb+ RAM
  • Additional Software: Flash Player 10+
  • Download Speed: Broadband (3Mb+)
