Basic Fire Safety for Care Homes

Online training courses from solved hr offer the flexibility of being able to be completed at your convenience and is an immediate, cost effective and easily affordable training solution for modern businesses. The online training modules provide evidence of successfully completed training courses to the required pass levels, which can be accessed at any time. Training online is a much more relaxed approach which many people find easier to fit in to their schedule.

Basic Fire Safety for Care Homes

Basic Fire Safety for Care Homes

The Basic Fire Safety for Care Homes course from solved hr is for all employers and employees working in premises providing residential care where the residents may require assistance in the event of a fire. Having the correct procedures in place is essential where residents may not be able to make their way to a place of total safety unaided. In the event of a fire it is imperative each and every member of your staff know what to do and who will need assistance and of what kind.

Typical residential care premises include those where care is provided for;

  • the elderly or infirm
  • children and young persons
  • people with special needs such as those with learning difficulties or with mental or physical disabilities
  • people with addictions.

Duration: 60 minutes (Please note, this time is based on the running time of the video only and does not take into consideration thinking time for questions or a slow internet connection speeds).

This course covers the same content as the Basic Fire Safety course with additional content tailored specifically for employees that work in care homes.

Basic Fire Safety for Care Homes

Recommended System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows XP/7/8, Mac OSX (10.6)
  • Browser: Chrome 20+, Firefox 28+, Internet Explorer 9, Safari for Mac 5+
  • Video: Up to date video drivers
  • Memory: 1Gb+ RAM
  • Additional Software: Flash Player 10+
  • Download Speed: Broadband (3Mb+)
