Negotiation Skills
In many areas of life, we will have disagreements with others, from international affairs all the way down to personal relationships. Negotiation is the method by which these differences are settled and aims to avoid arguments and disputes.
In all disagreements, an individual will aim to achieve the best possible outcome for themselves or perhaps the organisation that they represent. However, making sure the agreement reached is one of mutual benefit and is fair to both parties is crucial to maintaining the relationship and achieving a truly successful outcome.
Negotiation Skills
Negotiating skills will not come naturally to many of us, but they can be learned and applied to many situations both in the workplace and personal circumstances. These skills are never more important than in a business environment, where good ongoing relationships are crucial to your business and its reputation.
This online Negotiation Skills from solved hr covers the basics of what constitutes a negotiation. It also goes through the key stages of a negotiation, the skills that you can apply to your negotiations and offers some practical advice so that you can bring all of this together and become a more effective negotiator.
Online training from solved hr is a convenient and cost effective way of ensuring your business’ training needs are met. Disruption to the working day is kept to a minimum as the online courses can be accessed at any time, from any location, internet connection permitting.
Duration: 46 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).
Recommended System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows 7+ or Mac OSX (10.8+)
- Browser: A modern and up to date web browser
- Video: Up to date video drivers
- Memory: 2Gb+ RAM
- Additional Software: Flash Player 10+
- Download Speed: Broadband (3Mb+)