Solved HR

Stereotypes in the Workplace

Stereotypes are basically assumptions we make about a person based on things such as appearance, gender, race or even where they live, based on little or no personal knowledge about them. We’ve all had a chuckle at the ‘ditzy blonde’ joke or put someone’s bad temper down to being a red-head, but jokes aside, when these stereotypes are applied to colleagues at work, it’s anything but funny, especially if you are the one being stereotyped!

Unfortunately stereotypes in the workplace don’t stop at what colour hair you have, they can be based on marital status, if you have children or not, where you live, gender, race and even age. These assumptions, which we are all guilty of from time to time, can be especially damaging to working relationships as they can affect how you work with certain people.

A single woman with children for example, may be passed over for a promotion based on the preconception that she will be unable to fulfil the role because she has family responsibilities, when in fact her suitability should be based on job performance. On the flip side, a man may be put forward for a promotion based on the stereotype that he is a man and therefore more job focussed and less emotional than his female counterpart. Both are equally unfair and based on assumptions. When this happens in the workplace, it causes tension, low morale and unease between colleagues which then affects working relationships and will have a knock on effect on the whole team.

Eliminating Stereotypes in the Workplace

The first step to eliminating the effects of stereotyping in the workplace is to be honest and recognise our preconceptions about others and why we have formed them. As always in business, leadership is crucial. It can be easy not to address stereotyping, so management need to have appropriate policies in place and lead by example by enforcing them. Education is also key, so businesses may choose to run workshops with small groups of staff to explain what stereotypes are, why they can be damaging, and how stereotyping and discrimination can be addressed.

Workplace stereotypes and discrimination won’t disappear overnight, which is why efforts have to made to address it. Having a diverse workplace that represents everyone is a must, and in eliminating stereotypes we create a working environment in which learn from each other’s differences.

If you need assistance banishing stereotyping in the workplace contact solved hr for an informal chat, we will devise a strategy to help educate your workforce, help write your policies and can deliver engaging, educational and fun team workshops. Contact 07714 790024 or email